Essay/Term paper: The blooding
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As centeral as the environmentalist issue is to the&lsquo blooding&rsquo
is more about a boys painful search for identity.
Col&rsquos search for his own identity is a bigger issue it the blooding
as he is a very confused teenage boy, who is torn between the community
of Cornwall and the greenies.
Col was brought up being very protected by his mother. As Col was brought
up his mother made sure he had the best of everything. She would knit him
all his clothes, like the city children wore and this made him an
outsider as the other children in Cornwall would tease him for his
clothing, his mother, as she is Irish and a Catholic who goes to church.
Col came from a family which was normal for the community of Cornwall.
His father worked as a tree logger and in the mill, as his father had and
his father had and so on. Col had been horn in hope that he would follow
his family foot steps and keep the tradition in the family going, by
working in the mill.
Col lead a double life - with the gang and the forest. Col would go into
the forest and would stay in a special which was called The Palace for
hours. His grandfather has shown him this special place in the forest.
This Palace was the originally place of the settlement, that Col&rsquos
great grand father had been at until a land slide had landed on his great
grandfather. The settlement people them moved on, to a new place, which
is Cornwall. Which he had visited nearly every day. This also made Col an
outsider to the rest of the kids in Cornwall.
The thing that transformed Col from an outsider was when he had a fight
with Scott (who was the best fighter), and he won the fight. A copper
called Golden Gloves, who is the best fighter in Cornwall then asked Col
if he wanted him to train him.
After the fight Col was accepted by the other boys and was no longer an
outsider but a friend on the other kids in Cornwall.
Then the greenies arrived to Cornwall, challenging the mills and the
logging of the forest. Col has mixed emotions towards this issue.&lsquo
Anyway I thought the old was right about the greenies, but I secretly
agreed with the greenies about the trees&rsquo. (p.7) This quote shows
how Col is confused about what he thinks and wants to think what other
people do, but he know that he thinks differently. Col does not want to
be an outsider again as he was in his younger years, he fears being an
outsider again. Also this quote shows that finding his identity, is above
the environmental issue, dispite it&rsquos envolment.
Col wants to think as his dad does but he has different views to his
father, which he would never express to his father.&lsquo Was I? Well. I
wasn&rsquot on her side.&rsquo(p.8) This piece of writing from the
Blooding backs up that Col is confused, and in the middle of the greenies
and Cornwall.
The Blooding also shows the identity finding of another person, Jade.
Jade is a teenage girl, who is a greenie, that is having trouble finding
her identity.
Finding your identity is more important than environmental issues as you
need an identity for the rest of your life, and you need an identity to
decide what you believe in, what you want, and you gain perspective.
590 words
As I look around at my family, watching television together, I wonder
where our special place is. A place where we enjoy each other&rsquos
company, the surroundings and get to know each other better.
I then walked to our study and located the family photo albums, and took
them out to the lounge room, where my family was. The four of us Mum,
Dad, Jole my brother and I started pouring through the albums together
and all the memories of holidays and fun began flowing back into our
Firstly there was a trip we took to Fiji when I was about seven or eight
and Jole was about two or three, where we stayed at this huge time share
resort. This resort was located near a beach with the clear ocean water
constantly washing up the shores f the beach.
We would lounge around on the beach, go swimming, go for rides on the
donkeys, hang out or play with our new friends we made. There was never
nothing to do here. The holiday was full of fun.
There was another holiday where we went to America when I was ten years
of age and Jole was about six years old. We as a family went to America
for about four weeks.
I think first off we stayed at time share resort which was massive, it
was the biggest and best resort I&rsquove ever been to. It was so
luxurious, with about a dozen tennis courts, approximately six pools,
multiple spas, a library, a basketball court and a lot of other luxuries.
This resort was called Buena Vista from memory. It is located not far
from Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
Orlando is a beautiful town where it has beaches, Disney World, Sea
World, Wet&lsquo n&rsquo Wild, Universal Studios, Rosy
O&rsquoGrady&rsquos, collection of mini golf places, and heaps of other
fantastic attractions.
I would say that this was the best family holiday we have been on. After
visiting the beaches, body surfing and swimming amongst the waves, riding
the excitingly terrifying Splash Mountain, fast roller coaster Space
Mountain and meeting the head mouse himself, Mickey, and riding all the
rides and visiting
all the attraction at Disney World, having a ball at Sea World with Shamu
the killer whale, the entertaining acting sea lions, the crowd pleasing
dolphins who performed all types of tricks, jumps, flips and aerial
stuff, riding all the water slides and rides at Wet&lsquo n&rsquo Wild
Water Park, visiting the largest MacDonald&rsquos I has ever seen, that
had a huge playground for the kids, and visiting most of the attractions
at Orlando we hired a van and traveled across the states of America.
We traveled through Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida,
South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. We visited all
types of attractions including Graceland (Elvis&rsquo house), the Jim
Beam factory, riding on a steam boat on the Mississippi River, visited
the house of Colonel Sandres (the guy who invented The branch of food
places, Kentucky Fried Chicken), Opry Land ( a country music theme park),
and not to mention filling our car up with gas and eating weird food.
After looking through the photo albums, I released that you don&rsquot
have to go some where or for some place to be special place. Our special
spot was our house. This was a place where we enjoyed each other&rsquos
company, got to know each other better and all enjoy the surroundings.
Yes our house was our special little place that we like.
Review of Matchbox20
Matchbox 20 are Rob Thomas, Kyle Cook, Adam Gaynor, Brian Yale and Paul
Doucette. Matchbox 20's debut CD 'Yourself or someone like you' has 12
hit songs. The songs are 'Real World', 'Long Day', '3am', 'Push', 'Girl
Like That', 'Back 2 Good', 'Damn', 'Argue', 'Kody', 'Busted', 'Shame',
and 'Hang'. The CD is in the top ten Album Charts and 'Long Day', '3am',
and 'Push' are high up in the singles charts.
All Matchbox 20's songs are written about people whose lives are coming
apart and their struggle to hold on. They are written by Rob Thomas
except 'Push' and 'Back 2 Good' are co-written by Matt Serletic. Rob
Thomas is a story teller whose lyrics focus mainly on personal
relationships and he delivers his lines which a certain spark as if the
words are strong and meaningful. He is complimented by the background
vocals of lead guitarist Kyle Cook and rhythm guitarist Adam Gaynor,
combined with drummer Paul Doucette and bassist Brian Yale.
Rob Thomas says: "Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to tell
stories but I never have had the patience to sit down at typewriter and
write songs or anything like that. I started writing songs as a way of
communicating ideas the best way I could".
The way Rob Thomas came up with his songs was when he was younger at
seventeen to twenty, he did a lot of hitch-hiking and spent a lot of time
by himself. He would pull out his little keyboard that he kept with him
and work on some tunes. Rob drifted around at this point in time in an
effort to understand his family problems at home.
My favourite song from Matchbox 20's CD is 'Push'. Rob Thomas describes
the romantically aggressive 'Push' whose chorus is highlighted by the
I wanna push you around, I will, I will,
I wanna push you down, I will, I will,
I wanna take you granted, I will, I will
&lsquo Push&rsquo is a songs about how Rob was manipulated, controlled,
how he handled it, how he grew to like it and became comfortable with it.
Rob Thomas adds that the song&lsquo Push&rsquo was written by three
points of view. This song is actually about emotional violence, but
people mistake the song for being about physical violence.
The characters on 'Yourself or someone like you' wrestle with ghosts and
demons and you never know whether they will win their battles. They deal
with busted up romance, insecurities and fear. As in&lsquo Long
Reach down your hand in your pocket,
Pull out some hope for me,
It&rsquos been a long day, always ain&rsquot that right,
And no Lord your hand won&rsquot stop it,
Just keep you trembling,
It&rsquos been a long day, ain&rsquot that right.
&lsquo Long Day&rsquo is about how a day in a bad relationship can feel
like forever,&lsquo 3am&rsquo is about Rob Thomas taking care of his
mother during her fight with cancer when Rob was twelve or thirteen. An
example of this in the lyrics is;
She says baby,
It&rsquos 3am I must be lonely,
When she says baby,
Well I can&rsquot help but be scared of it all sometimes,
Says the rain&rsquos gonna wash away I believe it.
&lsquo Back 2 Good&rsquo is about the consequences of cheating,&lsquo
Kody&rsquo is about a little boy who died when he was two and a half and
this song is a tribute to Kody&rsquos memory,&lsquo Shame&rsquo is a
cheating song where you have destroyed everything and no matter what you
so you can&rsquot change it and&lsquo Hang is about Rob&rsquos friends.
Rob Thomas was born in a military base in Germany and raised in the
southeast. He wrote songs during his high school years when he was in
bands. Later on Rob Thomas was introduces to Brian Yale and Paul
Doucette. After playing together for a few years in bands and touring
locally, the three guys decided to start a new band which was to become
Matchbox 20. Adam Gaynor who was from Miami and Kyle Cook from Atlanta
were recruited and joined the other three member, which completed the
band Matchbox 20. It was not long before the band attracted attention
from recording studios. They then recorded 'Yourself or someone like you'
straight away. The band&rsquos live shows are a reminder of what can be
achieved when musicians never lose sight of the fact that songs are the
most important thing. Rob Thomas describes their performances as
energetic and extremely heartfelt. Rob Thomas also says that they just
play the songs and they lose themselves to the songs.
Over all I consider Matchbox 20&rsquos debut CD 'Yourself or someone like
you' to be a really good CD. Matchbox have a excellent variety of good
songs on the CD suiting all types of people. Everytime I listen to the
CD, I enjoy the songs even more each time. I also can so the meaning of
the lyrics in the songs. My three favourite songs on 'Yourself or someone
like you' are&lsquo Push&rsquo,&lsquo Long Day&rsquo and&lsquo 3am&rsquo.
"Should smoking be banned in public places?"
A current issue to people in today&rsquos society is whether smoking
should be banned in public places. Smoking is already banned in some
restaurants, other eating places, sporting arenas and other public
places. The issue is basically saying should people that chose not to
smoke have to subject to cigarette smoke.
Public places are defined as a shared location where the public can
visit, including restaurants, clubs, sporting venues and other eating
Smoking in public places should be banned or have clearly separated
sections that is well ventilated so that everyone is not exposed to the
smoke fumes. If people chose not to smoke they shouldn&rsquot have to pay
for it, by being a passive smoker, involuntary.
Smoke fumes expose people to risks without their permission and this is a
reason why smoking in public places should be banned. People have the
right to being in a smoke-free environment, without being involuntarily
confronted with these smoke fumes, as other people&rsquos smoke is
It is not only those who are smokers, that are in risk of cancer and
respiratory diseases caused by smoking, but those who are being in
contact with smoke fumes, through passive smoking. Smoking and passive
smoking can cause cancer and respiratory diseases such as asthma, lung
cancer, throat cancer, corony heart disease, bronchitis and many more
diseases. As in this quote is proves that cigarette smoke can cause
cancer. "A cinogen in cigarette smoke disables a pivotal gene in the
body, which can lead to cell mutations and eventually cancer"
Compared with the smoke inhaled by a smoker to other people&rsquos smoke,
the cigarette smoke in passive smoke contains;
- 3 times as much nicotine,
- 3 times as much benzopyrene
- 3 times as much carbon monoxide
- 50 times as much ammonia
- 51 times as much formaldehyde.
Proving that the smoke inhaled by passive smokers is much more deadly
than the filtered smoke smoked by smokers.
Passive smokers are worse off than smokers, as they inhale unfiltered
smoke fumes, whose particles are smaller than the particles in inhaled
smoke which enables them to reach much deeper into their lungs. Babies
and young children are the ones which passive smoking has the biggest
effect on. "Maternal smoking led to the deaths of 33 babies and to more
than 500 being admitted to neonatal intensive care in one year in New
South Wales, we found."2
"Yes smoker&rsquos have the right to smoke if they want, but they
don&rsquot have any to injure anyone else&rsquos health."3 A way to get
around this problem is if there were designated rooms, that smokers could
smoke, without the smoke effecting anyone else.
Smoking is the smoker&rsquos personal choice to smoke. By banning smoking
in public places, this is stopping people from smoking all together, just
in certain places or areas, so smokers can still smoke.
Should smoking be banned in public places? Yes, that is a easy question,
as all the evidence is for smoking being banned in public places.
Through surveys and studies it has found that most people want to be in a
smoke-free environment, 72 % or around 3 in 4 Australian adults are non
smokers, leaving only a minority being smokers, and 90% of customers want
restaurants to be smoke-free. These clearly show that the majority want
smoke-free public places, as the majority are non smokers, but are being
effected by other people&rsquos smoke.
- Other People&rsquos Smoke, The Health Risk Exposed, The Border Mail,
November 13 1993
- Passive smoke causes a new frontier, The Sunday Age, December 26 1993,
Juile-Anne Davies
- Former PS man compensated over passive smoking, The Age, July 28 1995,
Steve Dow
- Smoking Ban is favored by diners&rsquo, Border Mail, September 15 1993
- Medical chief fires up over anti-smoking laws, Age, November 8 1997,
Steve Dow
Text response to "Brave New World"
What is the purpose of unlimited sex, soma, the pregnancy substitute, the
feelies, the violent passion surrogate and leisure activities in the
Brave New World?
Brave New World has five sorts of people created in it; Alphas, Betas,
Deltas, Gammas and Epsilons. Each sort of people is different in their
intelligence, their clothes they wear, and their height. Their
intelligence is higher, the taller they are. If they are short that means
that they are not very intelligent.
The Alphas are the most intelligent, most beautiful, clever, they wear
grey clothing, are hard workers and are the first level in society in the
Brave New World. The Betas are the second level of society, being shorter
and less intelligent than the Alphas. The Deltas are the middle level of
society in the Brave New World. They wear khaki clothes and have average
intelligence. The Gammas are very stupid, near the bottom of society,
wear green clothing and do menial work. The Epsilons are the bottom level
of society in the Brave New World, and they are complete morons.
Society in the Brave New World revolves around artificial birth and no
family life. The people are conditioned and educated in their sleep. They
are conditioned to be happy. Everyone is kept busy concentrating or
consuming. In this society they have unlimited sex, soma (a drug), the
pregnancy substitute, the feelies, the violent passion surrogate and have
leisure activities. These things main purpose is to keep the people of
the Brave New World busing concentrating or consuming.
In this world a man can have sex with anyone and vice-versa, that is how
it is done in the world of the Brave New World. Also if you want to be
with one person, there must be something wrong with you, and if for any
reason you do start to have feelings towards someone, you must take a
drug that brings you back to&lsquo normal&rsquo (that is you go back to
not having feelings for anyone.) The purpose of unlimited sex in the
society of the Brave New World is to keep them busy, so they can not
think, so they are kept happy, so they are never alone, as this is
considered strange to be alone and sex is a need.
A few examples of the unlimited sex in the Brave New World are: "Yes
everyone belongs to everyone else", Lenina repeated slowly; "I&rsquom
beginning to get just a tiny bit bored with Henry everyday", Lenina said
and "And then he spends most of his time by himself - alone". There was
horror in Fanny&rsquos voice. The first quote proves that you do not just
belong to one person or stay with the one person and so does the second
quote and the third quote shows how being alone is abnormal and strange.
Then there is soma, which is the happiness, feel good drug, that drowns
any unpleasant thoughts: "euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinate ...
a holiday from reality." This means that soma is used to escape reality
and takes you to a happy state of mind. Soma&rsquos purpose is also to
keep them busy, so they can not think and to keep them happy. Soma is a
replacement of feelings or emotions. The people of the Brave New World
are given soma is rations. An example of soma being a replacement is:
"Why you don&rsquot rake soma when you have these dreadful ideas of
yours. You&rsquod forget all about them. And instead of feeling miserable
you&rsquod be jolly. So jolly", Lenina repeated. This shows the
replacement of emotions and the happy state of mind.
You can tell someone has had soma because they are happy, their eyes are
shining, their cheeks are flushed, they have happy faces and friendly
smiles. Soma&rsquos main purpose is used to escape from anything they do
not want to think about. This is soma&rsquos purpose as it makes them
forget about thinking which could create problems if they did think.
The feelies are movies where they hold onto a metal handle on their seats
and they get some sort of effects from the movie. Two examples of the
feelies are: "Going to the feelies this evening, Henry?" inquired the
Assistant Predestination. I hear the new one at the Alhambia is
first-rate. There&rsquos a love scene on a bearskin rug, they say
it&rsquos marvelous. Every hair of the bear reproduced. The most amazing
tactual effects" (Page 38), and "If our young people need distraction,
they can get it at the feelies", said Dr. Gaffney (Page 131). As these
quotes show the feelies&rsquo purpose is to distract the people of the
Brave New World.
The people of the Brave New World also have leisure activities to occupy
them. They have obstacle golf, electro-magnetic golf and holidays to
anywhere in the world. The purpose of leisure activities is the keep them
happy and busy so they do not think.
The pregnancy substitute is a biological need for women.
The violent passion surrogate is a treatment where at the beginning there
is a sense of dreadful emptiness, a breathless apprehension and nausea.
All the people are equal, have the same needs and are provided with the
same needs. The main purpose of unlimited sex, soma, the pregnancy
substitute, the feelies, the violent passion surrogate and leisure
activities in the Brave New World is to keep the society consuming and
concentrating so they do not think.
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